Thursday, 21 June 2012

Self Defense - The unconventional way

In self defense tools or self defense weapons, kubotan, pepper-spray and even using your ambiance is normal conventional means to protect yourself. However with the growing industry of Self defense, we sometimes see strange and unusual and often unconventional and even ingenious self defense tools to help you protect yourself....or simply look unnecessarily out of place. 

Why not save yourself the trouble and train in Krav Maga instead.

Tabletop bat & shield combination. Ingenious!

I wouldn't mind getting one of these it didnt look half bad, it disguised well. but i wonder how it fairs when you need to detach this thing during the heat of an intruder in your home?

"Kick in the Coock" for those oblivious with what the sign says.
I find this sign worth a second posting. It's always important to reminded that you are not always safe, apply everything you learn in self defense and Kiek in de kok when threatened, man or woman.

Bling your fingers up every time you pickup your phone
A self defense tool which maybe useful, but unnecessarily out of place. It's one expansive investment to protect yourself with this. Might as well just give them the phone when mugged. But is as they say..."money is not worth your life" still say its unnecessarily out of place. 

Hey why not save your time & money and be street practical and spend it on Street Combat Training instead

or train yourself to be a Wing Chun Bear instead!
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Monday, 18 June 2012

Wing Chun Bear - Heavily armored edition

Rooaaaarrrr even downloadable horse armor cant beat DLC Bear armor!