Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Star Wars - Martial Art of wielding a lightsaber...most practised Fictional Martial Arts in the World

The one Movie that might ruin them all!
Can a total light show movie turn to 3D redeem to its former glory?

I admit, I was one of those little geeky kid who went and saw this film and loved it, prior to have watched "A new Hope", "Empire Strikes Back" &  "Return of the Jedi". My eyes were wide open when i first saw the trailer of the choreograph fight scenes, each time they pull out their colorful light saber i went into a hypnotic trance. After watching i felt there was something missing...this lingering feeling that bugs me...not in a good way.

Then comes the trailer for the 2nd movie came on and I was like OMG purple lightsaber M F*ker! Watched it and was like OMG dual wielding lightsaber! coming out feeling somewhat jaded. Then watched "Revenge of the Sith" where everyone with a lightsaber dies...(almost everyone), and i felt a sense of contempt. I felt liberated!!

It's the lightsabers!
I realized to me, (story, visual effects & other criticism aside) Light Saber is what made Star Wars cool! and it also what made Star Wars sucked! It's an emotional vehicle for the entire franchise. Look at all the video games and its all about creating your lightsaber and slaughter anything in your path. I don't intend to go in deep about what makes a movie good or bad, all I'm saying and I'm sure most martial artist & geek nerds would agree that we ALL want one.

90% of the internet is flooded with videos/fan films referencing star wars always have a lightsaber scene. Some good, some bad, some ended up as memes.

Making the art of wielding a lightsaber one of the most practiced Fictional Martial Arts in the world!
Just like the many pioneers in martial arts, we tend to see videos where the public outperforms the original.

So the question is, will the 3D'mafication make the ligthsaber duel any better? In my book, after watching the Video below....its very unlikely.

You just saw the video above....you will not un-see it ever again! enjoy :D!

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