Sunday, 11 March 2012

Aikido - History & Purpose

I've always been fascinated by Aikido, the concept of non-punching & kicking to topple down an a larger opponent using their energy against them is very elegant similar to Taichi. Although not flashy it have a similar sense of grace behind each techniques and almost seemed invisible to untrained eyes.

The Video above summarized it all. I was exposed of Aikido training through a seminar and the training is just as different than conventional, punching & kicking. The seminar thought me the grace & effectiveness behind the techniques and how it requires very little physical strain for smaller/weaker people.

Since it's a non-aggresive Martial Arts, makes Aikido a purely self defense art. Everyone can be trained to be more mentally self aware and be mindful of their surroundings, and to avoid possible dangers. Should a confrontation is unavoidable trainees have the abilities to protect themselves by diffusing the aggressor.

A self protection martial arts seemed perfect for young children & women to start for its non-aggresive nature. However Aikido is no pushover for it can still be applied for aggressive application. Below is a rare video seen Aikido being applied in an aggressive manner.

Whether aggressive or passive martial art, it is undoubtedly one of the fast growing Martial Arts. Notable celebrity practitioners are Steven Seagal.


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